Assignment, part 1: Make a business card for yourself. It must include your name and examples of at least 3 of the 4 types of transformations. The transformations must be exact! You can use Paint, PowerPoint, Flash, or any other program you like, or do it on paper and then take a picture of it or scan it in. Be creative! All images must be original. I did my example (below) in PowerPoint, using word art and the "auto shapes."
Assignment, part 2: Once you have your image, place it in a Geogebra file. ( the transformations tools to figure out the transformation rules, and label them (see my example below).
Once you finish, take a printscreen of your geogebra file and save it in Paint. You should now have two image files - your original and the print screen from geogebra. Make sure that both file names include your name, and put them both in my drop box (S:\\NTHS\shared\students\Holland Drop Box). This assignment is due by the end of class Tuesday, Oct. 4 (pre-AP students only).